What is UnityDevelop 4?
UnityDevelop 4 is a beta build of FlashDevelop for support Unity variation on JavaScript (UnityScript) editing.
What features does UnityDevelop 4 support?
- Code completion (intellisense-like)
- Function parameters help
- Project overview and classes outline
- Easy jump to declaration (Ctrl+Click)
Why is it a different project?
The project is still in beta state. But the author of FlashDevelop is going to implement full support of UnityScript in FlashDevelop 4.1.
What bugs are known?
- Auto-import creates wrong import line. For example, for List class it generates "import System.Collections.Generic.List" but should be "import System.Collections.Generic".
- Some lack of internal classes method description / help.
- Function multiple parameters variations (f.e. GUILayout.Label) are not supported by intellisense/help (only 1 variant is available).
What is in this build?
- The FlashDevelop 4 IDE itself
- Description / help for Unity classes
- QuickNavigate plugin (Ctrl+Click for "jump to declaration")
Who made it?
The most of work was done by FlashDevelop team with some help from us, GameJam.
How do I download it?
Please follow the download page.
I've found a bug. What shall I do?
Please leave a post in the corresponding topic at FlashDevelop forum.